• 1722 S Glenstone Suite G, Springfield Mo. 65804
  • Call 417-689-4141 to make an appointment

  • East Caost Swing

    If you like old rock-n-roll, or if you can recall the days of the “Jitterbug”, then you would most likely be a natural at the East Coast Swing. Originating as far back as the 1920’s with Lindy Hop, East Coast Swing actually grew from the roots of the ever popular Jitterbug. Since then, East Coast Swing has been around in various forms for a long time, and is popular across several different dance scenes. Because it is danced with high energy in tight spots, East Coast is fun to learn, and very useful for weddings or corporate parties, cruises, and places where an old rock song is played on a small dance floor! It’s flexibility however, takes it to the ballroom floor, the country bar and the big band scene as well. So if your seeking out a dance suitable for more than one type of high energy music, East Coast is the ticket, and you’re sure to have a blast learning and dancing it!

    • East Coast Swing is usually covered as a part of our Ballroom or Country Dance group class repitoir.

    • We commonly use East Coast Swing for cruise preparation or wedding preparation on Private Lesson basis.