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  • The Power of one Word 2019

  • New Years Resolutions


    The new year always brings with it the infamous “New Year’s Resolutions” – an opportunity to look ahead towards hitting new goals, solidifying new habits and experiencing new successes. Alongside the common determinations to finally nail down the right exercise plan, or start that new diet, are goals like getting organized, creating a budget, going to church, finishing a project, or improving personal habits.


    Whatever the goal may be, Dr. Randy Carlson, author of several books and radio show host for a program entitled “Intentional Living”, challenges listeners to discover “the power of one word”. The concept is to thoughtfully think through, and choose just one word to describe or encapsulate what you want this new upcoming year to blossom into. It’s almost like a one word branding statement for your life, and the goals you wish to set for twenty-nineteen.


    Narrowing it all down into one simple yet powerful word certainly isn’t an easy task, but then again resolutions for the new year aren’t always easy to begin with. Maybe that’s why come March, many enthusiastically set benchmarks become past dreams pushed back into the wishful thinking category. None of us want that happen, so maybe narrowing it all down into one word might help keep those initial January plans moving forward throughout all of 2019.

    One word is simple, clear, and if thought through well enough, can be a powerful statement to keep in front of you for the next 365 days. Pin it on the fridge, write it on your calendar, or clip it to a mirror. It’s a powerful yet effective tool to narrow down just one word for focus and improvement over these next 12 months.

    Consist, truthful, integrity, thoughtful, fearless, committed, diligent, patient, forgiving, generous, stretch, grow, relax, heal, renew, live, love ….all of these are powerful words that bring about meaning when thinking about our lives. What one word could you use to characterize the things that you want to see happen, or the person that you want to be over the next year?


    Kelly Frey is owner/operator of Step by Step Dance where she specializes in wedding choreography, ballroom, swing, country, line dance and salsa. She loves to help others discover how dance can add an extra element of joy and fun to their lives. She welcomes all who need to find a new hobby, have a specific reason to learn, and even those with two-left feet!